
Arcolinux mate | Mate with Arco goodies and AUR access |Still a room for improvement


Mate desktop is a simple nostalgic desktop with limited improvement compared to others. The video focuses on the mate features and their performance as well as the ability to improve using compiz window manager.

Mate week videos: • Mate Desktop in t… Mate Desktop in the eye of fedora | 3D window manager, vanilla, responsiveness and other goodies • Linux Mint Mate |… Linux Mint Mate | More mint less Mate with a focus on difference with stock and more compiz fun • Garuda linux i3 w… Garuda linux i3 with mate-panel| minimal install of Mate desktop|mix and match • Arcolinux mate | … Arcolinux mate | Mate with Arco goodies and AUR access |Still a room for improvement • Ubuntu Mate| The … Ubuntu Mate| The only complete MATE Desktop experience| Full review