Fedora on USB stick openbox (install and performance) | the Nobara project and more..
This is the second video on installation of Linux distribution on a USB and its power. The video gives a brief discussion on the Nobara project which is a fedora flavor with linux gamers in mind. The fedora installation on a USB features my most used programs and checking its performance.
The nobara project link https://nobaraproject.org/ gnome fedora (nobara)iso link from the same website address
The Fedora 35 LXDE ISO link https://spins.fedoraproject.org/lxde/
The video references RPM fusion repos used for the downloads. I give a link for its activation below https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/setup_rpmfusion/
00:00 daily driver 2022
00:46 The Nobara project
03:03 Fedora LXDE install
06:25 Fedora openbox
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